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What is TMD ?

TMD ( Temporomandibular Disorders ) is a cycle of pain, muscle spasms and joint imbalance where the jaw meets the skull. This joint is called the temporo - mandibular joint. It joins the temporal bone of the skull with the mandible bone of the jaw.

What causes the problem ?

Within the TMJ is a thin disc of cartilage that acts as a cushion between these two bones. When the balance in this important joint is lost, you can suffer from mild to severe pain, headaches, earaches, stiffness, muscle spasms and clicking or popping in the joint.

Easing the Symptoms

To restore balance to the area, we may crown your teeth, fill in spaces, adjust your bite, provide you with a mouth splint, or even realign teeth. Moist heat, anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants, muscle massage, and a soft diet may lessen pain.