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What Are Dental Implants?

1. Dental implants are an alternative to dentures or bridgework for replacing teeth.
2. The dental implants is made from titanuim and is surgically implants in the jaw bone.
3. An implant functions like the root of your missing tooth.
4. Implants are usually placed in a dental office, using only local anesthesia.
5. Generally, there is minimal post-operative pain or roots.discomfort.

Comparing Implants To Natural Teeth

Dental implants are an ideal tooth replacement therapy because implants closely mimic natuaral teeth.Can you tell the difference between the dental implant and the surrounding natural teeth?

All natural teeth have a dentin core, surrounded by an enamel coating, and are anchored in the jaw bone by their

A completed dental implant has a crown, which replicates the appearance of the enamel coating of the surrounding natural teeth. The crown is fixed to an abutment, or post, the equivalent of the dentin core. The post is attached to the titanium implant, which is anchored in the jaw bone and acts as the root of the replacement tooth.

Who Is A Candidate For Implant Therapy?

Each year, hundreds of thousands of people all around the world benefit from dental implant therapy, from children in their early years to adults in their nineties. According to The American Academy of Periodontology, "The ideal candidate for a dental implant is in good general and oral health. Adequate bone in your jaw is needed to support the important, and the best candidates have healthy gum tissues that are free from periodontal disease.

Your dentist will evaluate various factors to determine if you're a candidate for dental implants. Those factors may include certain health conditions (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes) or risk factors (e.g., smoking)These types of conditions may not rule out dental implants, but they must be taken into consideration to be sure they will not compromise successful implant therapy.

One important factor affecting implant therapy is the density of your jaw bone, which can vary in denstiy from very dense (ideal) to very porous or spongy. Less-than-ideal bone dentistry does not necessarily prevent having dental implants, but it will likely affect your treatment plan.

Single Tooth Replacement

Unlike bridges and dentures, implants more closely mimic natural teeth in appearance, feel and function. Unlike a conventional three-unit bridge used to replace a single tooth, the healthy adjacent teeth do not have to be modified to support the bridge.

An Implant is placed in bone and covered with a protective cap while it is allowed to heal. Depending on the amount of bone, your clinician may need to do additional procedures to build up the bone.

After healing, when the Implant is securely anchored in the bone, an abutment is attached to the implant. This functions as the core of the replacement tooth, or crown, to blend in with the adjacent teeth.

The final step is to affix a crown shaped and colored to match your surrounding teeth. The finished result matches your natural teeth. The entire implant procedure can be completed in as little as two months, with just three office visits.

Multiple Tooth Replacement

Titanium implants are so strong, and bond with bone so well, that one may not be needed for each tooth replaced. Your dentist will determine how many implants will be needed in each individual case.

Implants used to support a bridge are placed and allowed to bond in the same manner as a single tooth implant.
After the appropriate healing time, healing abutments are placed on each implant to allow contouring of the tissue.

When the implant is securely anchored in the bone, the healing abutments are removed and final abutments are attached to the implants. These function as the core of the replacement teeth that are attached directly to the implants.

The bridge is designed to be permanently affixed to the implants. As with a single tooth implant, the finished result is as aesthetic as your natural teeth, with the same functionality. There are no unsightly metal hooks or claps.

Full Upper or Lower Tooth Replacement

In most cases, only six implants are needed to permanently anchor a full upper or lower denture, although more may be required depending on bone quantity or quality. Removable dentures held in place by implants do not require the use of a dental adhesive. Unlike adhesive-retained dentures, implant-retained dentures will not move during eating.

Implants used to support a bridge are placed and allowed to bond in the same manner as a single tooth implant. After the appropriate healing time, healing abutments are placed on each implant to allow contouring of the tissue.

After the implants are securely anchored in the bone, the abutments, which support the denture, are affixed to the implants.

The full denture is attached to the abutments in the same manner as a bridge, so that only your dental professional can remove it. When this is done, the denture is attached above the level of the gum for easy hygiene care at home.


Implant-supported Fixed Denture

The supporting implants are normally placed toward the front of the mouth, where the bone is more dense, or wherever the least bone loss has occured.

Implant-Supported Removable Denture

For removable dentures, the implants support a bar to which the denture is snapped on and off. This permits you to remove it at home for cleaning.

Although the denture is removable, it remains firmly attached during normal functions, including eating and talking.

Whether fixed or removable, the finished result is nearly indistinguishable from natural teeth.


Implants offer an aesthetic and long-term solution to missing teeth.
Traditional dentures may be uncomfortable and difficult to secure in place.
Crown and bridge restorations involve modifying healthy adjacent teeth.
Treatment Complete In As Little As 2 To 3 Months? YES If you meet certain criteria, implant restorations may be completed in as little as 2 to 3 months. YES YES
Natural-Looking Smile? YES Implant restorations look and feel like natural teeth. NO Metal clasps are often necessary to fasten the denture into the mounth. YES However, In time, gum recession may expose tooth roots, diminshing the aesthetic results.
Long-Lasting Solution? YES Implants can last a lifetime. NO Occasional adjustments to the fit of the denture may be necessary. NO The longevity of crown and bridge restorations can vary, with some cases requiring rework in as little as 7-10 years.
Prevents Bone Loss? YES Implants help maintain bone volume. NO Bone loss may occur due to the force of the dentures resting on the gum. NO Bone can continue to be lost in areas where teeth are missing.
Improves Chewing Ability? YES Implant restorations can restore and significantly improve chewing ability. YES However, denture movement may occur during use. YES Although it may not be permanent, It does improve chewing ability.
Damages Adjacent Teeth? NO Implant restoratons normally do not require modification of healthy surrounding teeth. YES Surrounding healthy teeth may require a crown or modification to help anchor the denture. YES Healthy teeth are modified so the bridge can be cemented to them.


Hygiene & Long-Term Success

Adequate oral hygiene should be established prior to implant therapy and must be maintained to ensure the long-term health of dental implants.

Like natural teeth, implants can fall when hygience is poor, and plaque is allowed to accumulate.

Many special brushed, flosses and rinses are available to help you maintain your implant restoration. You should discuss the appropriate tools and their proper use with your dental professional.

Regular visits to your dentist are just as important to the continuing health of your implants.

In addition to professional cleanings, you dentist will assess the success of your home care and the health of your dental implants.